Sunday, May 15, 2011


Today, I made the long trip to St.George with my friend Shannon, to attend the baby shower of our friend Tiffany....There was so much great food and fun games, that it made me start to think of some fun games that we can play at my own baby shower....any idea's from anyone??? I have a lot, so maybe I will get suggestions from you guys and narrow my list down by the most popular.


  1. Ok, so from my first and only experience at a real baby shower, I can tell you which game NOT to play:

    In order to be able to see who can best determine what someone ate, which would come in handy come baby time, they crumbled and microwaved different brands of chocolate bars and put them in diapers, making guests have to go examine each diaper and write down their guesses as to which diaper contained which candy bar in order to win a prize... grossest thing ever.

    Please, do NOT do that one... If you want to skype soon we can brainstorm a list of crazy-awesome ideas and create funtastic games and such.


  2. gross fake poopy diaper games...thats wrong on a lot of levels...and just plain gross.

  3. Right? It was awful! None of that!
