Tuesday, May 24, 2011

The cherry on top of a poopy day

Ok, so the weather outside is pitiful, making for a poopy day...but I trudged on my way to work, with the thought that tomorrow will be much...MUCH better....I have been waiting for this day for 4 months.....then lunchtime happened....dun dun DUNH!!!! the hospital called and cancelled my appointment tomorrow for my ultrasound.....well, I don't think that I have been hormonal so far during my pregnancy....but I think it happened today...I felt like my head was going to explode and I was going to go exorcist at any minute......now I have to wait until friday......friday seems like a lifetime away....hopefully tomorrow will be better, I will win the lottery and buy my own ultrasound machine.

1 comment:

  1. Now you can play the hit song "Friday" in anticipation of the day... even better, you can alternate RB's version with Glee's version to switch up the anticipation (boy version, girl version, which will it be)?!?
